Saturday, July 23, 2005

Morning Blog Part 1

Does anyone blog in the morning? Am I making an ass out of u and me by assuming most are night-bloggers or mind-sayers?

What is it about the middle of the night (or technically morning) that allows us to reveal more vulnerable aspects of ourselves? The fact that most others are sleeping? Somehow this makes us feel safe enough to reveal intimate things? There certainly is something surreal about 4 o'clock in the morning - like the world has stopped and you're the only one still going.

Don't know where that came from except that this is the first time I've blogged in the morning.

This morning I felt like a spy. Rauni and I went to the Scandi for breakfast(yum).
I recognized two people (although they would not know me). I knew something scandalous (haha - scandalous at the scandi) about their situation. It was facinating to observe these two people and the tention that was about them. One was and employee and the other a patron.

Anyway, I better go do some laundry and straighten out my messy house.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

pants and food and stuff

I was told not to wear pants to work anymore.
No, I do not dance and skip naked on a stage for a living.

It's blistering hot at work. I work in an office, with a computer. I'm going to ruin my keyboard with all the sweat that pours from my hands...oh well, I could use a new keyboard...
Tomorrow, I should wear a speedo and bring a sprinkler.
And maybe one of those yellow strips of plastic that kids used to slide on in the early 80's

Earlier, while singing along with Cindy Lauper's "All Through The Night", I made mashed potatoes for a man who had recently lost his teeth. I didn't sing it very well. But the potatoes turned out alright.

I need an excuse to make a dip. For two weeks I've been waiting to make a certain dip with chick peas, cream cheese, grated cheese, more cheese on top of cheese, some sour cream and tomatoes and green onions sprinkled on top to give the illusion of "healthy". GIVE ME A REASON!

I must be in love with food. Not people.

Monday, July 04, 2005

26 Days Of Silence

Much like my journals, this blog seems to see only the ups and the downs, not the in-betweens, or the too-busies.

Today was a fantastic ordinary day - my first day in a "new" job.

Ordinary because it's what I've done for years. And fantastic, because I finally have job security.
I have returned to a department I worked in for over seven years (with the exception of the last seven months). I have my own desk, my own cushy chair, my own filing dråwer, my own head set (yay!)
Job-seeking this past year has been such a burden on my mind. Peace is upon me.

So, the reason I'm even writing today: I'm currently eating a bag of chips. I was recently reminded of my "Bag of Chips" post. I guess I was also prompted by some avid readers of Verbal Diarrhea (ok, maybe avid is too strong of a word). Back to the chips...
The crispy ripple chip, yearned to be coated in the rich, freshly made sour cream and herb dip.

Wow. Somebody has an addiction.
The first step is recognizing the problem, the next step is eating a bag of chips...uh, I'm obviously not ready to quit. It takes time. I wish they had a patch for chip-addiction. Or maybe some chipper-ette gum. They could call it The Chip (brilliant). You could put it under your tongue and crunch on it when feeling a chip-fit coming on.

More important things:
Does any body wanna be my roommate?? I desparately love my appartment which I cannot afford. I get really bitter when I force myself to consider finding a more affordable place. In fact, I'm going to stop thinking about it because it's ruining my fantastic ordinary day.

Oh, I can't stop thinking abou† it. My home has been such a haven for me. The bright morning sun keeps a naturally depressed finnish girl from ultimate doom. The view from my balcony refreshes my soul. The balcony is also my favourite place to read in the summer. My bedroom with its slate blue walls and stained-glass window are a comfort any time of year. My bathtub would clearly be better with jets but I can have everything I want now can I?