Thursday, May 31, 2007


What's the point? Make connections?
I think most people have trouble even maintaining the connections they already have.
So the point really becomes poking into the lives of others via pictures.
That disturbs me. I realize it's probabaly JUST me that it disturbs.

I've had conversation recently with some folks (you know who you are) about Facebook.
In fact, it's the total buzz right now. Fine. Buzz away. I can't do it.
I can't spend my time looking for people from my past. If you know me, you know that I already waist enough of my time thinking about the past and don't need an excuse to do it some more.

FYI: "Past" can be a noun, an adjective or a preposition but "Passed" is always a verb.
(I have to continually say this to my brain so that I don't confuse the two - sometimes I do anyway)

So, if you see me on facebook, you'll know that I cracked and have begun to look up all the boys I had crushes on in elementary or high school. I did have another paragraph about my adult crushes but I'll save that for another day.



Blogger R said...

Hi Syl!

Bah, I TOTALLY agree with you about Facebook! It's hard enough to keep up with the people who are already in your life--why spread yourself too thin if it's not needed? These people became obscure for a reason, and while I've thought about them from time to time, I know that if I really wanted to be in touch, I would have made the effort.

I just deleted a nonsensical digression about how much FB irritates me for the reasons listed above, and then some...I think you've said it all. I miss ranting in agreement with you!! If I break down and join FB, I'm totally going to add you :P

PS-If anyone reading this has invited me to FB, I'm not ignoring you, I've just not subscribed to it ;)

12:35 AM  
Blogger Warren said...

It's FUN! I have my Ex Wife on there, and she's in my FRIENDS LIST. :-)

Cool, eh?!


6:32 AM  

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