Saturday, July 23, 2005

Morning Blog Part 1

Does anyone blog in the morning? Am I making an ass out of u and me by assuming most are night-bloggers or mind-sayers?

What is it about the middle of the night (or technically morning) that allows us to reveal more vulnerable aspects of ourselves? The fact that most others are sleeping? Somehow this makes us feel safe enough to reveal intimate things? There certainly is something surreal about 4 o'clock in the morning - like the world has stopped and you're the only one still going.

Don't know where that came from except that this is the first time I've blogged in the morning.

This morning I felt like a spy. Rauni and I went to the Scandi for breakfast(yum).
I recognized two people (although they would not know me). I knew something scandalous (haha - scandalous at the scandi) about their situation. It was facinating to observe these two people and the tention that was about them. One was and employee and the other a patron.

Anyway, I better go do some laundry and straighten out my messy house.


Blogger Eric said...

We need to hear more scandal, there is not enough reporting on that kind of thing. Now I am more interested in knowing about these people that I don't know.

I blog in the morning, in the afternoon, early evening, or in the middle of the night. I set no boundaries. Hey, that would be a great slogan, "no rules, no boundaries."

10:08 AM  
Blogger Black Mamba said...

LOL: "stranger church people"

we actually are strange.

Anyway, as for the scandal, I think I'll keep my mouth shut. (probably said too much already) But I couldn't help expressing how bizarre the experience was.

6:09 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

I blog at all times of the day, but I do find that my blogging, as well as my conversation is much more free and open in the wee hours of the night. I used to have a rule about conversations after midnight - mostly because I became uneasy the next morning about what I had said and what people would think of me. At some point I decided to stop caring as much and allow the post-midnight conversations to occur!

So, a scandle at the scandi... interesting!

7:40 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

I'm coming to t-bay next week, tim and I are going camping with our kiddies. I can't wait to go for dinner at the Hoito. It's a tradition. I haven't heard of the Scandi, what's that?


7:38 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

If you have no life on Sunday mornings between 9:30 (coffee)or 10:00 (worship time) until 11:30 you could meet these people in person. There are a bunch of us away this Sunday, but that is the summer meeting times.

In the fall we do have Sunday School if you would like Parker to be in that (I think I got the name right).

9:31 PM  
Blogger mimlap said...

Night Blogin...sounds like a good movie title....Now that I am going to have a baby aware every couple of hours I could be blogging anytime I any case I appriciate the thoughts of those of you out there. Makes one realize one is not alone

11:41 AM  
Blogger TU said...

I'm tired of this "Morning Blog Part 1" . Blog something new!

New! *shakes fist*

2:19 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

It was fun meeting all ye thunder-bayers. I had forgotten how much my spirit feels drawn to the sense of north, the wind-swept birch and pine trees, the rock that is everywhere around. I think when I was little, and I lived in Cochrane, the North got to me and got under my skin. As much as I love the big city, there is something missing down here. You guys are lucky, you have a good thing. A nice community, too, but something else. There is something really good up there, a spirit of truth, in the shape of the rocks and trees, and the ice cold water of Superior, if you know what I mean.


7:54 PM  
Blogger Black Mamba said...

Yes, I totally know.
A good way to put it: Truth in the form of rocks and trees.
Part of what got me through all the shit in my life was to go to my mom's "camp" (as we like to call cottages up here) and just sit on a rock by the water, feel the breeze, listen to the trees...
Boo to Rauni for selling it!

BTW, the Scandi is the Scandinavian Home Restaurant - very close to the Hoito

8:18 PM  

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