Tuesday, June 07, 2005

nice little bloggy

Just when I'm pissed off, somebody goes and takes me to the freaking art gallery.

psssh! Now I'm supposed to NOT be pissed at the world! grrr!
Ok, seriously here, I really enjoyed the art gallery this evening.
Thunder Bay highschool art was on display - it was impressive. Beyond their apparent mastery of the craft, they displayed strong social commentary (which I always like).

There was one particular piece which held my gaze for a while - I was almost sad to leave it. It was called "A Prayer Before the House of Ghosts" (Mariann Nicolson).
(pausing while I google the artist)

Ok, well I couldn't find the actual piece online but I found other stuff about her work
here and here.

I really enjoy the history and symmetry of aboriginal art.

Monday, June 06, 2005


F the world. That's what it stands for. If you can't handle it, don't read my blog.

Most of my life I have used the F word extensively. When I say most, at this point I mean about 2 thirds of it. I like the F word. It rolls out with a punch every time. I dwell on the final k with joy as a speak it.

It's rather funny to me that most of my readers won't have heard me say it much. Some of you have never heard me say it. So there, now I have confessed.

I guess I'm saying all this because I'm f-ing angry right now. I want to say a big F you to all the world. Hey, you out there,..F you!..ah what release. I have expressed my anger.

This is very interesting to me because it's basically mirroring a book that I'm reading. It is the journal of a Catholic Priest/Psychologist/Philosopher living in a monastic community for a period of time. Just to clarify, this guy is not facinated with speaking the F-word, he's just angry at the world.
(or at least he was for a brief period in June of 1974)

In June of 1974 I was about 9 months old. I don't recall wanting to tell the world to F-off at that point in my life.

Back to 2005. Do you know what devastation and failure I have felt over the last eight years of my life? No, you don't. Feel free to judge me right now. In fact, I'd love it if you did.

(I have deleated a paragraph that was far too dark for a public blog such as this)