Saturday, January 07, 2006

Fat 2006

And that's not "phat" in case someone thought I was trying to be cool.
In fact, by saying that I'm sure I date my self and therefore look "un-cool".

Ruth says that I'm not mentally ill after all. She says that it's normal to think about food constantly. I was under the impression that most people didn't read cookbooks on a daily basis. Furthermore, I find that I'm usually the one to bring up mouth-watering appetizer in a discussion. Even if the discussion was about Hockey or Politics. Tim would argue that I would just prefer to change topic if it were in fact, about hockey. Ruth does make a good point about the Food Channel. Why else would one exist if there aren't other obsessed gourmets out there?

Ok, enough of what Ruth and Tim say.

I'm interested to know if someone has an explanation for the following lyrics:

"You flash your bedroom eyes like a jumpin' jack
Then play it pretty with a pat on the back"

(Armageddon It, Def Leppard - Hysteria)

Some of you know that I once loved this album (still do actually). However, I now giggle furiously at it's lyrics.
I have to remember this is also the album with "Pour Some Sugar On Me" - what the heck is that?

Moving on....

My newest song is called: "I shot myself today"
I wrote it over the holidays. That should say something.
Something like: THE HOLIDAYS SUCK!!
Ok, but really, the song is also partially inspired by a suicide story told to me by a co-worker accompanied by his own theories on the spiritual fate of suicide victims.

This leads me to my next question: when does grace end? before death? upon death? is there room for grace AFTER death? Can we prove this? (of course not, but what are the arguments)

Ponder this, world-of-blog.


Blogger Erica said...

I've been thinking about whether or not reincarnation fits into Christian belief. I can't put my finger on anything that would specifically prohit that line of thought, but then again, there really isn't anything that would support it either (I'm speaking Biblically)If reincarnation in this world is possible, can you then come back and be saved the next time around - and do you perhaps keep going around until you are saved....

I've also been thinking about how quantum theory might possibly fit in. If there are infinite multiple universes where we may exist and may have made different decisions, is there a version of me that has made all the right decisions, and perhaps one that has made all the wrong, and then various versions inbetween (of which I am one).

And what does it mean that it is God's will that all will be saved? Is this his "wish" or his "will". And if his will prevails, then how can this be since we know people pass on without coming to know him.

These are the questions that plague my flu-ridden, cold-affected mind!

6:31 PM  
Blogger Black Mamba said...

yes, you're totally right about the sound effect thing...jumpin'jack sounds pretty good rhythmically.
With the guitar flicks underneath - it's gold :)

hee hee

gold should be considered on a relative scale of course

6:32 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

Tim, you're exactly right there. I suspect, although I cannot prove, that the music of Def Leppard, AC/DC, and several other rock bands, was merely to create music which is fun to dance to, and that dancing is in fact exactly what those elders at the church I grew up in thought it to be: a cleverly contrived situation created by horny young men, who were trying to create a workable pretext for rubbing up against, and hopefully even removing the clothes from young women.

Just a theory, mind you.


12:00 PM  
Blogger Warren said...

Erica, the rationale I've always heard for the Bible ruling out reincarnation , is the phrase than man was born "once to die, and after that the judgement". The idea being, that after death, there is no rebirth, but rather a judgement. The word "once" there would be the strongest thing I can think of. On such matters, it would behoove a serious student to go beyond the english translation and make a study of the original text. I haven't done that, so I can't pretend to know more than that.

I don't the Bible categorically rules out some kind of second chance, or some kind of special mercy on the part of God, and that's where I hang my hopes. I would say, we shouldn't count on such a second chance existing, as that would be foolish, when we still have our first chance (those of us who are alive, that is). For those who are dead, we trust in God's mercy, and we hope that God is much greater than we can ask for or imagine, or dare to define.


12:07 PM  
Blogger reppepper said...

And what about the universes in which Christ made the wrong choices?

3:08 PM  
Blogger Erica said...

Christ never makes the wrong choices!!!

Thanks, Ultra - for your suggested passage. I might take a closer look at it and see what it says...

Mind you - this is not something I'm hanging my theology on - just some random thoughts...

3:58 PM  

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