F the world. That's what it stands for. If you can't handle it, don't read my blog.
Most of my life I have used the F word extensively. When I say most, at this point I mean about 2 thirds of it. I like the F word. It rolls out with a punch every time. I dwell on the final k with joy as a speak it.
It's rather funny to me that most of my readers won't have heard me say it much. Some of you have never heard me say it. So there, now I have confessed.
I guess I'm saying all this because I'm f-ing angry right now. I want to say a big F you to all the world. Hey, you out there,..F you!..ah what release. I have expressed my anger.
This is very interesting to me because it's basically mirroring a book that I'm reading. It is the journal of a Catholic Priest/Psychologist/Philosopher living in a monastic community for a period of time. Just to clarify, this guy is not facinated with speaking the F-word, he's just angry at the world.
(or at least he was for a brief period in June of 1974)
In June of 1974 I was about 9 months old. I don't recall wanting to tell the world to F-off at that point in my life.
Back to 2005. Do you know what devastation and failure I have felt over the last eight years of my life? No, you don't. Feel free to judge me right now. In fact, I'd love it if you did.
(I have deleated a paragraph that was far too dark for a public blog such as this)
Most of my life I have used the F word extensively. When I say most, at this point I mean about 2 thirds of it. I like the F word. It rolls out with a punch every time. I dwell on the final k with joy as a speak it.
It's rather funny to me that most of my readers won't have heard me say it much. Some of you have never heard me say it. So there, now I have confessed.
I guess I'm saying all this because I'm f-ing angry right now. I want to say a big F you to all the world. Hey, you out there,..F you!..ah what release. I have expressed my anger.
This is very interesting to me because it's basically mirroring a book that I'm reading. It is the journal of a Catholic Priest/Psychologist/Philosopher living in a monastic community for a period of time. Just to clarify, this guy is not facinated with speaking the F-word, he's just angry at the world.
(or at least he was for a brief period in June of 1974)
In June of 1974 I was about 9 months old. I don't recall wanting to tell the world to F-off at that point in my life.
Back to 2005. Do you know what devastation and failure I have felt over the last eight years of my life? No, you don't. Feel free to judge me right now. In fact, I'd love it if you did.
(I have deleated a paragraph that was far too dark for a public blog such as this)
Rats - I wish I could have read the deleted paragraph...
I know very little of the past 8 years - mostly facts of things, few deep glimpses - but I know you have been through a rough time.
We all feel like crap sometimes - and want to flip the bird to the world - but some of us have more reason then others.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know - I care - and you can say the f word in front of me any time...
And I won't judge you for it!
Besides - it is a perfectly good word!
Thanks Erica :)
I actually was about to remove this post from the ol' blog feeling guilty somehow, that maybe some christian might read and judge and read and judge
strange how my blog says I'd love it if someone did that:)
I was wondering who was swearing at the world at 7:12 PM last night?
I will judge you but only half has intensily as I normally would ;)
Last night my ears were burning, down here in Toronto.
I don't particularly like the word myself, but there are contexts where it seems quite appropriate.
If you stood super close to me during some games (hockey or football) and listened at just the right time blocking out all other sound and movement, you might just about be able to pick out the words though they may be more mumbled and sometimes left unfinished. That's not the context that I think they normally work, although that is the attitude that the word works for...
I can judge you for it or not... my problem.
I SAY F the world too! I appauld your confession, I say let us know you, see you, begin to understand you better. Maybe if you felt ok to say F--- more often, the last 8 years would have been a little less angst ridden. I also want to encourage you not to edit yourself...I have been much critized for not editting myself but at 33 I now own that part of me and say too bad you can plug your ears if you want!
You go GIRL!
Of course for "fuck" (etc.) to retain its usefulness it has to retain its shock value. So, I I'll display a little bit of shock here.
There are different forms of usefulness however.
1) For the AngloSaxons it was "a perfectly good word" for referring to sex. I don't know if anyone used it as an expletive. Maybe they used the Celtic word (those they conquered). The Normans (who conquered the AS) regarded such words as low class (ie "vulgar").
2) Useful for expressing emotion in a shocking (or cathartic?) way. (possibly through imagining the shock). So as "fuck" became "vulgar" it became useful for this purpose. If it becomes too "acceptable" it will need to be replaced.
Sometimes I like to imagine some Greek scholar presenting *convincing* arguments as to why we have completely misunderstood certain Biblical passages.
For eg. I'd like to imagine that Paul's "unwholesome language" actually referred to
1) bad grammar
2) nervous (unhealthy?) tics of language such as overuse of "like" (or "um" etc.).
3) Vague &/or inaccurate communication by people in positions of authority.
But alas that day has not come.
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