Memoirs of a Pop Music Junkie
I feel great joy welling up within my soul when I listen to some good ol' 80's tunes.
(and if I knew in the 80's that I'd be referring to them as "good ol'" - well, let's just say: ick)
Def Leppard, Hysteria.
I saw the CD out of the corner of my eye, whilst shopping yesterday.
I grabbed it (as if it were about to run for it's own life) and raced t'ward the line of cashiers.
I tried to hide my shame from the 15-year-old at the till.
(what the hell does she care – the guy in front of me bought AC/DC Back In Black)
Placing it in my Audrey Hepburn bag, I left the store feeling like I had stolen hidden treasure!
I just couldn't help but savor the memory I have of myself at 14, dancing around with my air guitar on a sunny Saturday morning.
(reader asks: "is this woman on crack?")
I think I will entitle my biography "Memoirs of a Pop Music Junkie"
Oh, and get over it you hard-core Leppard fans! It's POP. What's "rock" anymore anyway?
(btw: I will most likely never have a biography)
Since I brought it up:
Does anyone out there envision that their life has such interest that someday, an eager young writer will discover them and passionately construct a prize-winning book about them?
Or better yet,. a young director will make the movie?
Oh shut up. I know you've had the thought.
Sweet dreams bloggy.
(and if I knew in the 80's that I'd be referring to them as "good ol'" - well, let's just say: ick)
Def Leppard, Hysteria.
I saw the CD out of the corner of my eye, whilst shopping yesterday.
I grabbed it (as if it were about to run for it's own life) and raced t'ward the line of cashiers.
I tried to hide my shame from the 15-year-old at the till.
(what the hell does she care – the guy in front of me bought AC/DC Back In Black)
Placing it in my Audrey Hepburn bag, I left the store feeling like I had stolen hidden treasure!
I just couldn't help but savor the memory I have of myself at 14, dancing around with my air guitar on a sunny Saturday morning.
(reader asks: "is this woman on crack?")
I think I will entitle my biography "Memoirs of a Pop Music Junkie"
Oh, and get over it you hard-core Leppard fans! It's POP. What's "rock" anymore anyway?
(btw: I will most likely never have a biography)
Since I brought it up:
Does anyone out there envision that their life has such interest that someday, an eager young writer will discover them and passionately construct a prize-winning book about them?
Or better yet,. a young director will make the movie?
Oh shut up. I know you've had the thought.
Sweet dreams bloggy.
Perhaps we can collaborate on our life stories and use Def Leppard as a musical motif that unifies the two plots?
Attention screenplay writers:
Hot Topic! A tale of two kids growing up in the 80's!...surely it hasn't been done yet??
It could be called The North and The South...of Ontario(a Canadian version of the made-for TV mini series)
Def Leppard is pop. The proof to your statement is found in todays paper (there must be a web announcement somewhere). We are told that to go along with the release of his new album, Bryan Adams will be touring this summer with Def Leppard. This firmly entrenches them in the world of pop.
Excellent! My argument is supported by real evidence!
And it's even in the local media.
Oh wait, that almost disturbs me.
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